1010 9th Ave W
Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 5R7



Wheelchair Accessible


Zak Henein - Owner and Pharmacist


Dispensing fee plus medication costs , prescribed medications may be covered by OHIP


English , Arabic

Opening hours

  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday

General pharmacybasic compoundingfree delivery in Owen Soundmedication placed in pill organizers (containers for storing scheduled doses)medication placed in blister packs (sealed, push-through packaging used to separate doses)basic home health care supplies with some extensive home health supplies availablebasic mobility aids and safety equipmentseasonal flu shots and other vaccines available by appointmentcompression therapy suppliespharmacist available for diabetes management consultationsfree take-home naloxone kits (emergency response kits for opioid overdose)weight loss programtreatment and prescription of medications for common medical ailments, including rashes, pink eye, insect bites, acne, and urinary tract infectionsprescription of COVID-19 antiviral treatment (Paxlovid) Sharps Disposal Program - Safe disposal of syringes, pen needles, lancets, insulin pump infusion supplies, and test stripsPharmacy Smoking Cessation Program - Help to quit smoking, available for Ontario Drug Benefit recipientsMedications Return Program - Safe disposal of expired or unused medications, creams, and inhalers

MedsCheck - Appointments to review complex prescriptions with a pharmacist

MedsCheck at Home - Appointments in the patient's home to review complex prescriptions with a pharmacist